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The Total Success Program
Learn the statistically-proven methods to earn more, be happier, stress less and get what you want.
Starts March 23, 2022
Starting March 23, 2022, you'll begin your own personal 90-day Challenge. You pick the goal, and I'll show you how to achieve it.
Any goal will do. Literally.
This program has helped people improve their health, make millions in sales, repair or build stronger relationships, wake up happier every day and more.
Sign up for the Early Bird Special and Save 50%!
Not bad, eh? :D

Make More Money
Making more and consistent money isn't magical: but HOW to make more money is different for everyone. Stop listening to what works for others and start figuring out what works best for you - and what's been preventing you all along. Not a morning person? That's okay. Hate tedious work? Get rid of it. I'll show you how.

Mindset Management
Psychological barriers are the #1 reason we are miserable, poorer than we want to be and stressed to the max. In the Total Success program, we'll remove all 4 Major Psychological Barriers to success and happiness and you'll wonder why it took so long to get here...and be incredibly happy to look to your future.

NEW: Tools for Success
This Spring, you'll get MORE than just a 90-day coaching program! Sign up any time and get access to the Hype Library, with training, videos and more to get you pumped before we even begin! PLUS, get a copy of my revolutionizing Weekly One Page Planner and get more done by focusing on ACTION - not "to do" lists!
How it works
First, you choose what you will be working on for the next 90 days. Think of the thing that, if you could improve it, would have the biggest impact on your life.
Examples from past Success Stories (that's what I call people who have completed my program!) are:
- Increase sales
- Create consistent sales
- Get in better shape
- Eat better
- Stop being so stressed
- Implement new systems
- Generate better/more leads
- Convert more of the pipeline
- Recruit new team members
- Become more productive
- Avoid distractions and "busy" work
Once you have your personal "challenge", you'll spend each week learning a new habit, skill, tactic or strategy to apply to your situation. All you have to do each week is learn, apply, repeat! There are worksheets to guide you.
But you have to be there to get the full value. Replays are okay - if you watch them (so don't rely on them!).
The ones that show up, and apply what they've learned, get HUGE results.
Details of the program
The Total Success Program is split into two 6-week sections - the first 6 are Quick Wins. The final 6 are Mastery Sessions.
Times: 11am EST OR 7pm EST (select your preferred time upon registration)
Start date: Wednesday March 23rd
Sessions repeat: Each Wednesday at 11am or 7pm EST
Session duration: Allow for 1 hour
Quick Wins teaches you how to quickly bring joy, income, and confidence back into your life - without having to learn a new skill, work harder, or buy expensive technologies.
Success Mastery shows you ways to dig even deeper into the 6 habits that drive high performance over the long term, generating higher income, confidence, success vs. your peers and more.
NOTE: The REAL magic, BIG results and MASSIVE fun typically starts around week commit for the full 12 sessions to get your best ROI!!
Quick Wins
Generating quick wins with small changes - for BIG gains
Program Outline
Session 1: Focal Points
Setting the focus for what you really want. It's like goal setting, but better because what follows are the actions you'll be taking to make it happen.
Session 2: Clarity
Clarity is not just about what you want, but what could distract you or divert you from achieving what you want. This teaches you the mindsets and habits that clear the air, and remove blindspots so you can see clearly the path in front of you.
Session 3: Energy
If you don't have the energy to accomplish your goals, they'll never happen. Over 90% of my clients want to take better care of themselves. This session shows you how to GENERATE all the energy, confidence and success you want.
Session 4: Courage
It's not your skills, age, gender, location, nationality, intelligence, etc. that determine your success: it's the extent that your fears stop you from taking action. We'll look at the 3 types of pain people try to avoid, and how to tackle them once and for all.
Session 5: Productivity
Now that you're clear, have abundant energy, and all the courage to move mountains - you're ready to tackle your projects by USING time differently.
Session 6: Influence
If no one believes or trusts or buys from you, you're dead in the water. You're not an island, but there are specific ways to get people to see what you want them to see, and do what you want them to do. This includes clients, colleagues, bosses, kids, spouses....the works!
Success Mastery
Making High Performance a Permanent Part of Your Life
Once you've seen some quick wins, it's time to make these changes permanent - and become MASTERS of high performance!
Session 1: Psychology Mastery
As you well know, our psychology (view of ourselves, the world, our ability to get what we want) is the MOST likely reason to succeed - or not. It's also the #1 reason the changes you made in Success Squared become permanent. In this session, we drive home the strategies you'll need to compound your success year after year.
Session 2: Physiology Mastery
Mastering your health and stress means you can take on any challenge. The last thing you want is to hit the skids, and have your health to blame, or your inability to avoid becoming overwhelmed and reverting back to your old habits. In this session, you'll find ways to forever avoid bad health and stress habits and stay the course, no matter the storm (that sounded very deep...just roll with it!).
Session 3: Productivity Mastery
Productivity is more than getting things done, as you know. A master of productivity controls everything in their world. Do you? If not, we'll find out why, and provide you with the tools to ensure that you live precisely the life you want - personally and professionally.
Session 4: Persuasion Mastery
In this session, you'll be introduced to the Persuasion Method - THE best way to get people to believe, trust and buy from you. It's one session that, above all others, will help you in every situation involving other humans.
Session 5: Purpose Mastery
If you're not sure why you're doing the work you're doing, or haven't quite figured out what you love to do, this is your guiding session. You'll be coming out of this session with a clear purpose, tied to the vision you created for yourself back in Session 2 (Clarity) in Success Squared.
Session 6: Commitment to High Performance
In this final session we will check in on your performance and define your best areas for commitment and discipline moving forward. This process is a commitment every day of your life that results in heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential.